Learning to sell made easy

Sales training courses

Current courses with reports - can be booked individually or as a package

Course: Sales training for beginners

Sales fundamentals provide the basic tools for conducting an effective sales dialogue. In this sales training course, your employees will learn how to bring the sales talk to a conclusion in a goal-orientated and structured manner.

Course: Advanced sales training

This course refines the argumentation technique so that psychological patterns are used to position sales arguments even better with customers. Take your employees’ sales skills to a new level with simple tools.

Course: Personality analysis made easy

If salespeople manage to recognise the personalities of their customers, they can communicate more effectively. This course teaches you in a playful way how to adapt your own communication to that of your counterpart and simply be more convincing.

Success in sales:

Strengthen the sales power of your employees in a playful way!

Course: Needs analysis

The first step in the sales process is the needs analysis. The more precisely the customer’s needs can be enquired about or discussed, the more targeted your salespeople can make their arguments. Different types of questions are trained here to get to the bottom of your customers’ needs and are rounded off with a sales guide.

Course: Listening and selling

Active listening is the basis of every good sales dialogue. On the one hand, it enables you to understand your customers and learn a lot about their buying motives. This course simply teaches employees new ways of using active listening to sell more.

Course: Price discussion

Price discussions arise when customers are not yet convinced that the offer is a welcome solution to their problem. The benefits that a product offers are more important than the price. In this course, your employees will learn how to get through a price discussion successfully with an appropriate benefit presentation and different price presentations.

How QuickSpeech works
1. Book a course
2. Get started
3. Receive your certificate

Course: Telephone acquisition

The supreme discipline in sales is acquiring new customers. The challenge nowadays is to quickly build up trust with potential new customers. Because only those who gain the trust of potential customers will get an appointment and the necessary attention to present their product. Your employees can achieve this with a few clever methods, which are trained here.

Course: Using objections as opportunities

Objections usually relate to the scope of services or financial issues and are a sign of uncertainty when it comes to making a decision. But the positive thing about objections is that they also signal interest and your customers want to use them to secure their purchase decisions internally. To dispel objections, your sales staff must first understand them.

Course: Up- & cross-selling

The buzzwords in the coming decade are up-selling and cross-selling. In future, the salesperson’s task will be to achieve more sales per customer. In this course, our training partners provide detailed training on strategies that your employees can use to sell both additional products and higher-priced products.

QuickSpeech makes selling easy!

Course: Psychology of selling

Every good salesperson wants to be convincing in a sales pitch. Many salespeople try to “persuade” potential customers on the rational level with arguments. But why put undue strain on the rational level when accessing the emotional level is easier and more effective? This course provides playful training on how to quickly build up trust with potential customers.

Course: Selling in retail

The advisory activities of sales staff are becoming increasingly intensive and negotiations are becoming more complex. Hard selling was yesterday. Relationship management and soft skills are the present and the future. In retail in particular, it has always been about making customers feel good and providing them with competent advice – and this will continue to be a model for success in the future. The ability to conduct complex negotiations is taught to your employees in a practical way in this retail sales training course.

Course: Storytelling in sales

If you can tell a good story, you will meet enthusiastic listeners everywhere. In the conference room and at events, online and offline, in conversations and sales presentations. Use the power of good stories to boost your employees’ sales success. Here, participants learn how to build good stories and how to tell good stories in an exciting and memorable way.

Course: Online presentations made easy

Times have suddenly changed. Whereas it was previously a rarity, it has now become the norm – the online presentation. What is important in such presentations, how do you convince and inspire your audience? We answer these questions clearly in this course.

Course: Buying signals and closing techniques

Customers send different verbal or non-verbal buying signals during a sales conversation. If salespeople recognize these early enough, they can close deals faster and more sustainably. In combination with simple closing techniques, this makes the salesperson more successful in closing sales processes.

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