Presentation battles and lengthy meetings are a thing of the past


QuickSpeech reaches new employees in the decisive phase, makes the onboarding process more efficient and strengthens the bond with your company.

QuickSpeech gives companies a direct line to new employees and reaches them directly via their smartphone, tablet and desktop. New employees play in groups with their colleagues and receive small portions of knowledge every day. This allows them to deepen their company-specific knowledge in a fun way.

Rapid onboarding

New employees quickly find their feet and feel welcome.

Efficient training

Playful training that is well received: Daily utilisation rates of 75%.

Greater identification

New employees are reached in the way they are used to. This creates a much higher level of loyalty to your company.

Your problem

Today, 76% of all new employees leave the company within the first two years.


The majority of them leave within the first 6 months because they do not receive the necessary information and are not sufficiently involved.


Non-personalised training concepts are the number one reason for leaving.


Conventional onboarding formats such as hour-long classroom seminars and traditional e-learning are boring and alienating for new employees.


The majority of termination decisions are made in the first two weeks. Yet it is precisely in this phase that it is important to reach new employees and integrate them in the best possible way.


The consequences: An employee lost during the onboarding process costs an average of € 8,000 – and this does not include the costs of re-staffing.

Our solution

QuickSpeech takes care of your onboarding in a playful way.


Together we define your smart microlearning onboarding process. Targeted, fast and effective.


This is built up in several stages using flashcards and lessons. Your new employees are given access.


In small, daily portions, your employees learn company knowledge in a fun, mobile and simple way – just as they are used to.


The dotted training chat function makes it possible to exchange knowledge directly with managers. This allows you to keep your finger on the pulse and the attention of your new employees!


The playful approach makes it possible to play with other new colleagues and creates a lasting bond.


QuickSpeech is also very popular for preliminary information before the first day of work.

Your benefit

By using QuickSpeech, company information is made accessible to new employees in a fun way.


As a result, important knowledge is internalised more quickly and identification with the employer is encouraged at an early stage.


The engaging content conveys knowledge in a playful way: 75% daily use speaks for itself.


Through the interactions and feedback, you can see specifically where there is still a lack of support in onboarding.


This allows you to respond individually to the knowledge of your new employees and increase their loyalty to your company by up to 45%.


Playing in groups strengthens the team spirit of the users and thus accelerates integration into the team and identification with you as an attractive employer.


Faster to productivity: With QuickSpeech, onboarding content is memorised up to 6 times better than with conventional systems – and that saves 50% of the time.
