Our answers to your questions


Everything you always wanted to know about QuickSpeech:

Frequently asked questions

Basic terminology

QuickSpeech stands for the intelligent microlearning of tomorrow. We combine the latest didactic approaches in digital training with artificial intelligence for the best possible training success. Our aim is to meet the needs of everyone in professional training so that they can achieve the best possible training success. This is why our approach is used very successfully by numerous customers from a wide range of industries.

Microlearning is a didactic approach that is characterised by training in small units. We go one step further and make the training experience digital and engaging – i.e. the trainees personally shape the experience using digital options (e.g. feedback). The result? The training results are strikingly better, as the training content is more varied and is firmly anchored.

Intelligent means that QuickSpeech learns with the interactions of its users and is constantly improving itself. This enables a personalised training experience, which in turn creates better learning content – which in turn makes the training experience better.

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After signing the contract, there is a joint kick-off workshop where we work with you on your personalised engaging microlearning strategy. This is followed by joint communication measures to ensure that every user in your organisation is aware in advance of the personal benefits that await them. Then off we go!

We support our customers during the introduction of the platform and respond to individual needs with customised communication concepts. On request, we create communicative content that is used within the platform. We also support you via your other channels to ensure that the introduction of QuickSpeech is more than successful.

You can rely on the human instinct to play. We utilise our innate curiosity for new things and integrate this into our digital solution. We use multimedia presentations and active feedback for an innovative, contemporary training experience.

Our experience shows that it makes a lot of sense to use it from 50 participants upwards. Using our maturity level scoring, you can quickly determine a categorisation of your digital maturity level. You will receive the optimisation potential from us on top.

User-orientation, usability (graphical implementation) and gamification have the highest priority in the development of our system architecture. Employees of all age groups appreciate the ease of use, the fact that they are addressed via familiar and preferred channels, as well as the intuitive operation and clear presentation. On average, we have a daily utilisation rate of 75%.

The experience with our training and communication approach proves sustainable success in combination with your digitalisation push.

Result measurement

QuickSpeech offers success as a holistic concept. Our success components are: Engaging Microlearning, Gamification, our technology approach and our proven onboarding concept. Our approach is playful, our results are measurable. We usually link QuickSpeech to customer sales, which allows us to draw concrete conclusions. What do you want to achieve?

Our collaboration is designed to be long-term and sustainable. We work with you to determine your requirements, analyse your goals and successfully implement them together. Take a look at our success stories.

Extensive reporting options and analysis insights are available to you. Benefit from our performance workshops, in which we provide you with in-depth insights into the interaction between your content strategy and achievable results.

Scope of services

We utilise the full performance spectrum of intelligent microlearning. In our digital offering, we concentrate on tried-and-tested modes such as flashcards, cloze texts and quizzes. These bring quick success and do not overload employees/trainees with functions and features. Thanks to their simple presentation, intuitive operation and high degree of customisability, they are ideal for covering over 90% of requirements. Do you need more? Let’s talk about it – talking brings people together.

Flashcards: With our digital learning cards, you can build up knowledge and expertise in your target group and simultaneously and conveniently track their progress. These measures are used by our customers to build standards in the areas of product, behaviour and communication.


Quizzes: With our digital and playful solution, quizzes are used when it comes to playful ongoing training (e.g. in sales – also with a competition function) or the consolidation and sustainable anchoring of knowledge. This is done in daily tidbits of knowledge via questions to achieve points. It’s fun and helps your organisation move forward.

We, we with you or you yourself. Or all together. What is important here is that we take our time and offer not a product, but your success. Depending on the availability of your resources, we offer our content creation service, which delivers exactly what you need.

Do you know what is best for your organisation? We think so too: our customers usually access existing content on distributed media and then bundle it in our solution. Yes, it’s time for a learning renaissance. If you would like to leave the implementation to our experts, let’s talk about our content creation service. Simply send us existing documents as you have them (e.g. as a PDF or PowerPoint). We will develop motivating microlearning content based on this. Your success is our flagship.

That depends entirely on you. The system architecture is fully operational at all times. Factors for the duration of use are: Determination, motivation of the project team and an active communication culture. We take care of the rest.

We will guide you through the entire process step by step and in a structured manner. From the very first hour, you will enjoy optimum support before, during and, of course, after the roll-out. Our experts are also happy to assist you with our content creation service.

Once again for review - our webinar series

Our focus webinar on YouTube

In this webinar, we talk about the flashcard courses, the ideal structure and in which cases you can best use them.

Our focus webinar on YouTube


In this webinar we talk about quiz courses. How do they differ from flashcard courses, what is the structure and what exactly are bonus challenges?

We also get to the bottom of the big issue of incentivisation.

Our focus webinar on YouTube


Creating flashcard courses and questions is exciting and fun, but isn’t there a faster way?

In our webinar, we will talk about our AI tool that allows you to convert important texts into flashcard courses and create matching questions within minutes.

Our focus webinar on YouTube


In QuickSpeech, you can not only play out flashcard courses and ask questions, you can also get in touch with users.

In our webinar, we will therefore talk about news, push notifications, feedback and much more.

Our focus webinar on YouTube


Users – Teams – Groups

All together in one webinar.

We talk about the differences between teams and groups and explain the individual admin roles.

We also present the optimal strategy for welcoming external users/customers to the dashboard.

Our focus webinar on YouTube


Those who answer questions correctly receive knowledge.

Those who answer questions correctly also receive points.

In our webinar, we talk about what can be done with these points. We will discuss different ways of rewarding and how the real key figures of the company can also be taken into account here.

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- Which area of application are you interested in?
- How many users are involved?
- Is there a planned realisation timeframe?